top: ...Mutresse... Kali Top (DSU)-30 Colors (dress/undress) Compatible with the following bodies: • Maitreya Lara + Lara Petite • Legacy + Perky • 🆕 Ebody Reborn
eyes: Tville - Glittering Eyes [Lelutka] *pack v2* <<< mainstore
jeans: evani. Nesli jeans - black -
hair: tram K0925 hair / HUD-A
scarf: MOVEMENT- Cozy scarf Berry
props: MOVEMENT- To be cozy - Tray and mug
skin: [Glam Affair ] Rain Skin [Lelutka EvoX] Sand
head: LeLUTKA Avalon Head 3.0
body: [LEGACY] Meshbody Perky
decor: <<< mainstore
Infinite - Noah's Chair (PG) *Tartan Red
MINIMAL - Meknas Frames *4*
MINIMAL - Meknas Painter Easel *2*
Apple Fall Potted Agave - Variegated
Apple Fall Euphorbia Cactus
Apple Fall Gardening Books w/ Mister
Apple Fall Single Cut Hydrangea - Pink