Friday, 5 November 2021




top:  [American Bazaar] Fanny Top Green @ Cake Day

shorts:  [American Bazaar] Tourist Shorts Grey Cake Day

drink: rvn - lemonade vibe  <--- check mainstore

tattoo: [ CACTUS ] SIA - TATTOO @ mainstore

prop: .Unicorn. Parrot <--- check mainstore

hair:  DOUX - Medusa hairstyle @ Dubai

glasses: BONDI . The Gambler Glasses . Grayscale

necklace: VOBE - Stella Necklace Gold

earrings:  VOBE  - Bilion Earrings Gold

skin:  Moccino Beauté - LeLutka EvoX Visage - Symone Sunkiss 

body applier:  VELOUR: The "Ipanema Body"  

body:  [ INITHIUM ] KUPRA HD BOM  V.001/4

head: LeLUTKA Avalon Head 3.1