Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Neon Viper


Neon Viper

collar: POISON ROUGE Keiko Collar @ TOKYO ZERO

(Collar Scripted & Unscripted Versions Scripted Version is running The Peanut No. 9 Collar Available in 10 textures)

lips: Beauty by Entice - Proper Patola Lipstick new! @ Makeover room

eyes: Tville - Pixie  Eyes  [Lelutka] new!

hair: tram K0925 hair / HUD-A

skin:  Moccino Beauté - LeLutka EvoX Visage - Symone Sunkiss 

body applier:  VELOUR: The "Ipanema Body"  

body: [LEGACY] Meshbody Perky Edition 

head: LeLUTKA Avalon Head 3.1