Friday, 29 October 2021




body: .:: Hanatsumi ::. Shania - Black @ mainstore ***

eyes: Tville - Glittering Eyes [Lelutka] *pack v2* @ mainstore

earrings:  VOBE  - Bilion Earrings Gold

hair: Stealthic - Metropolis (Blondes)

skin: [Glam Affair ] Rain Skin [Lelutka EvoX]  Sand

body:  [ INITHIUM ] KUPRA HD BOM  V.001/4



 .:: Hanatsumi ::.  @ There will be 2 items for this weekend to the mainstore ( 30/31 October ) for the cute price of 77L$ each ( 70L$ for group members ).

- .:: Hanatsumi ::. Azumi

- .:: Hanatsumi ::. Paige ( Warning, this one is Kupra only )

.:: Hanatsumi ::. Paige