Tuesday 3 March 2015

22769 - News!


Sweet News!

 fully credited bellow

22769 ~ [bauwerk] The Hatake House  <--- @ FaMeshed

22769 ~ [bauwerk] Princess On The Pea Sofa <--- @  OneWord 

22769 ~ [bauwerk] Stored Pillows

22769 ~ [bauwerk] Japanese Table with Tablecloth <--- @ Origami 
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Cats And Dogs Sweets <--- @ Origami 
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Cherry Blossom Ball Sweets <--- @ Origami 
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Cherry Blossom Cookies <--- @ Origami 
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Cherry Pies <--- @ Origami 
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Cherry Blossom Candy on Sticks <--- @ Origami 

[ keke ] step chair - white - small <--- @ Main Store
[ keke ] paper whites - single
[ keke ] paper whites - rectangular
[ keke ] still falling bulb - silver

8f8 - Double Young Sakuras WHITE & PINK <--- @ Main Store
8f8 - 11. Our Secret Hideout - Bird & Butterfly Spots